Amaten is a Japanese gift card exchange platform for blockchain-powered gift cards and Loyalty management NFT (non-fungible token) established on Ethereum blockchain. The platform claims to take the gift card 1.0 to a new revolutionary height, i.e, gift 2.0. The asset claims to currently control 70 percent of the gift card market in Japan. Amaten provides twenty-three gift cards for trading on different exchanges (Amazon, iTunes, etc.)These gift cards will be based on the AMA-2 protocol.
According to the asset’s whitepaper, the common problems faced both in the current gift cards market as well as the loyalty management sphere are as follows:
Therefore, to tackle the problems mentioned above, the platform introduced blockchain-powered solutions like smart contract capability, composability and security. It also aims to control fraud and make it secure for Amaten stakeholders. Amaten creates Dapps for all users to help power gift card wallets, integrating directly with merchants for redemption and allowing secondary market transactions.
The native token of Amaten platform is AMA which is based on Ethereum’s ERC20 token standards. AMA token is used to make transactions on the platform of all kinds for merchants and providers. Due to the borderless nature of blockchain, the Amaten network is growing worldwide. For trading, AMA uses DeFi, due to which no KYC or usage fee in the Uniswap is required.