About Bezoge Earth
Market Stats
Market Cap
Circulating Supply
39,783,432,876,719,660 BEZOGE
Max Supply
100,000,000,000,000,000 BEZOGE
Total Supply
100,000,000,000,000,000 BEZOGE
Hold Time
No data
No data
Volume (24H)
All time high
Additional info about Bezoge Earth
Networks and details
The current price is $0.0000000000 per BEZOGE with a 24-hour trading volume of $30.34. Currently, Bezoge Earth is valued at 99.96% below its all time high of $0.00000001. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Bezoge Earth since its launch.
The current circulating supply of Bezoge Earth is 39,783,432,876,719,660 BEZOGE which means that Bezoge Earth has as total market cap of $160,583.82.
Price history
Today | $0.0000000000 | ↘ 0.69% |
1 Day | $0.0000000000 | ↘ 0.69% |
1 Week | $0.0000000000 | ↘ 19.95% |
1 Month | $0.0000000000 | ↘ 36.51% |
1 Year | $0.0000000000 | ↘ 40.45% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | ↘ 41.95% |
Performance against BTC | ↘ 50.88% |
Performance against ETH | ↗ 16.02% |
Performance in the past year | ↘ 40.45% |
Bezoge Earth is a meme coin with its own “meme metaverse” play-to-earn role-playing game. A Metaverse is a combination of various technical elements such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented videos, enabling users to “live” in a digital universe. The Legends of Bezogia is a sandbox-style game where players can summon their own Bezogi characters from a wide set of different breeds by minting in-game NFTs. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are tokens used for representing the ownership of unique things such as collectibles, artworks, etc. Thus, each Bezogi character is unique to their own playstyles and lore, for Bezogi fight, craft, and explore the epic lands of Bezogia.
The team also plans to launch the Bezoge Earth Game that will comprise missions to “rebuild the Earth.” All game characters are referred to as Bezogi, similar to the Pokémon cards, and each one is unique. Bezogis are playable characters in the ecosystem that exist on the blockchain. The NFTs are, thus, stored on the blockchain and owned by a wallet. Also, for those who do not own an NFT, there is a generic character to play the game.
The storyline of Bezoge involves players who are tasked with rebuilding the world as a rocket burns up in the atmosphere and explodes, destroying half the Earth.
There are four types of in-game Bezogi: Baby Bezogi, Child Bezogi, Adult Bezogi, and Elderly Bezogi. Also, these characters are available in eight colors in the first edition (blue, green, red, orange, black, white, gold, and yellow). The odds of getting a solid-colored Bezogi are very rare compared to the one with four different-colored parts (fur, eyes, nose, and fur trim). Every Bezogi has unique characteristics depending on the color of its various body parts, each one depicting a different percentage of skill boosts. Also, the character's DNA and breed are derived directly from the two Bezogi used to summon. Higher chances of receiving a rare, epic, or even purebred Bezogi, depends on the “purity of blood” of the summoners.
Players on the platform are entitled to complete digital ownership of NFTs, and the NFTs are backed up on the blockchain to avoid any case of theft. In addition, players can buy, sell, or even gift digital assets freely, and the digital assets can also be shared across multiple applications.
The token9 is represented as $Bezoge and is a multi-utility ERC-208 token. The token can be utilized for the digital assets on the platform and supports different purposes, such as:
Next, the governance structure of the forum is done by the Doggy DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations). The DAO is a self-organization created by developers to decentralize decisions and facilitate cryptocurrency transactions. The Doggy DAO will thus allow participants to engage and set community-based ownership.
The gaming ecosystem also offers an e-commerce platform, Memazon, that hosts real-world merchandise and allows people to set up their storefronts. The digital store accepts cryptocurrencies as payment. The token holders are rewarded based on a tier system via Memazon Primal. The rewards include early access to NFT sales, free shipping, etc. The free express shipping on Memazon will be offered to the top-tier Memazon Primal members, while the lower-tier members will get shipping at discounted express shipping rates.
The token was founded by three people, Rob, Jeff, and Doglord, and they launched the coin on May 14, 2021. The three were inspired to build a frictionless, borderless community and ecosystem. Apart from the founders, the team comprises front-end and back-end developers, business leaders, C-level executives, and experts.
The smart contract10 deployment was held with no pre-sales.
Bezogi Origin Block can be received via minting, and the blocks can be utilized for summoning a random character in the game. The number of Bezogi Origin Blocks that a user desires to mint is chosen, and then users can click on the mint button. Bezogi Origin Blocks can be minted per wallet at the maximum.
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The current market cap of Bezoge Earth is $160.58K. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of Bezoge Earth is $0.00000001. This all-time high is highest price paid for Bezoge Earth since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of Bezoge Earth is $30.34.
Assets that have a similar market cap to Bezoge Earth include DINGO TOKEN (old), Zoo Token, WaultSwap, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of Bezoge Earth is 39,783 trillion.
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Bezoge Earth calculator
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Canadian Dollar (CAD)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to British Pound (GBP)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Japanese Yen (JPY)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Indian Rupee (INR)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Real (BRL)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Euro (EUR)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Nigerian Naira (NGN)
NGN 0.0000000063
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to South Korean Won (KRW)
1 Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) to Singapore Dollar (SGD)
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