About BuySell
Market Stats
Market Cap
No data
No data
Circulating Supply
No data
Max Supply
No data
Total Supply
No data
Hold Time
No data
No data
No data
Volume (24H)
No data
All time high
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Price history
Today | $0.00 | NaN% |
1 Day | $0.00 | 0.00% |
1 Week | $0.00 | 0.00% |
1 Month | $0.00 | 0.00% |
1 Year | $0.00 | 0.00% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | Not enough data |
Performance against BTC | Not enough data |
Performance against ETH | Not enough data |
Performance in the past year | Not enough data |
BuySell is a cryptocurrency project that aims to help wild animals around the world. The project was developed on the belief system of returning the debt of nature to influence the future of the planet. According to the whitepaper of the asset, the project’s aim and belief system have been achieved by making charitable donations of funds to different animal shelters, animal reserves, charitable foundations, etc. Further, the project seeks to provide provision to everyone around the world to contribute to the project’s donation by purchasing the masternodes of BuySell coins. The masternodes are servers that use the proof-of-stake concept to validate transactions in the network by locking coins, thus seeking to allow the project to develop a secure cryptocurrency that would help shape the future of the planet.
The crypto token of the project is called BuySell coin, which functions on libsecp256k1 and is mined using the PoS mechanism, denoted by its ticker BULL. The libsecp256k1 is a cryptographic system initially developed for Bitcoin mining. The BULL acts as the foundation of the entire BuySell project and seeks to be used for both income generation and funding the project’s aim. However, the funding process in these initial stages of the coin is carried out in Bitcoin by swapping BULL against BTC (Bitcoin). This overall funding process is to be performed once every month using BULL coins after the initial phase is over and the coin has achieved stability in the market. Besides these usages, the coin seeks to act as a source of passive income for traders who purchase and hold the coin, along with the provision to obtain additional rewards through referral programs. Further, the coin is also used to seek to reward miners of the project for their efforts, encouraging more users to join the project.
These overall structures of the project, along with its coin’s dynamics, fulfill the project’s aim to change the planet’s future, where humans and other species can coexist in harmony.
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Social stats
Popularity in posts
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Hold times
0 days
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50% bullish
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3 unique individuals are talking about BuySell and it is ranked #5,066 in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, BuySell has an average sentiment score of 0 out of 5. Finally, BuySell is becoming more newsworthy, with 0 news articles published about BuySell. This is a 0% increase in news volume compared to yesterday.
On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about BuySell. There were 50% of tweets with bullish sentiment compared to 0% of tweets with a bearish sentiment about BuySell. 50% of tweets were neutral about BuySell. These sentiments are based on 4 tweets.
On Reddit, BuySell was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 comments about BuySell. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.
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