MASS Net (MASS) is a public chain that allows anyone to participate in the network with an aim to make use of the MASS consensus engine. The MASS consensus engine allows the distributed systems to stay secure and work together. The platform claims that MASS consensus engine aims to create a consensus layer that is secure, fair, permissionless, universal, and energy-efficient ensuring the fundamental security of the public chain.
In a blockchain, the initial layer i.e. Layer 0 is the consensus layer followed by the data structure layer, the contract layer, and the application layer. The base of the blockchain is Layer 1 which ensures security and decentralization, and Layer 2 is about scalability and performance. Without a well-built Layer 0, Layers 1 and 2 are useless. Hence, without consensus, all blockchain-based actions (such as transactions) would be baseless, as would blockchain-based contracts and applications.
As a solution, MASS Net aims to create and implement a Proof-of-Capacity consensus algorithm and use the technology as the foundation for the MASS Layer 0 consensus engine. MASS aims to be the solution of Layer 0. Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) is a consensus mechanism that provides proof of storage space. In a PoC consensus algorithm, along with a block submission by the node to the network, a valid proof of capacity is also required.
MASS token is the value anchor for the MASS consensus engine and a store of value in the MASS Net.