Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) is not tradable on Coinbase.
Data is sourced from CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and other third parties. We make no representation on the accuracy of the data provided. Learn more

Mononoke Inu Price (Mononoke-Inu)
Market stats
Mononoke Inu is on the decline this week. ↘
The current price is $0.0000000000 per Mononoke-Inu with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.48. Currently, Mononoke Inu is valued at 99.93% below its all time high of $0.0000000005. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Mononoke Inu since its launch.
The current circulating supply of Mononoke Inu is 0 Mononoke-Inu which means that Mononoke Inu has as total market cap of $0.00.
Data is sourced from CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and other third parties. We make no representation on the accuracy of the data provided. Learn more
Market cap
Data unavailable
Not enough data
Data unavailable
Max Supply
Data unavailable
Price & Volume changes
Volume (24h)
↗ 1.37%
Volume (30D)
Data unavailable
Volume (7D)
Data unavailable
All time high
Performance (1Y)
↘ 82.07%
Vs. Market (1Y)
↘ 82.52%
Vs. BTC (1Y)
↘ 85.24%
Vs. ETH (1Y)
↘ 65.2%
Not enough data
Additional info about Mononoke Inu
Mononoke INU is the original anime-inspired and community-focused coin. Mononoke INU anime token operates on the Ethereum network.
The team of Mononoke INU is inspired by the anime crypto trend and the adventure picture everyone was fond of from childhood. This adventure picture is of Moro, a three-hundred-year-old god of the wolves with divine power and intelligence. This character is capable of understanding and speaking human languages. She plans to take over all Inus and take over the Ethereum network by storm.
The developer team of Mononoke INU has put their heads together to create something that transforms the current meme coin narrative. Meme coins are cryptocurrencies inspired by internet jokes and memes. Mononoke INU was launched to bring commitment, honesty, and love of the game back to DeFi.
Mononoke INU has also built a blockchain-based game for the community that assures Mononoke INU holders are rewarded for their patience, ability to hold on for life, and loyalty.
The 2D adventure scroller game is under development as of now. The game is accessible on both mobile and the web. The tokens work on play-to-earn to target a wider market audience. Through play-to-earn, every player gets a chance at a financial incentive to play no matter what.
Players can earn on various levels like completing challenges, defeating bosses, and collecting in-game power-ups. Furthermore, these in-game power-ups randomly offer multipliers to an individual’s earning to further motivate the community to play. In addition to this, daily competitions are held at Mononoke INU, wherein the top 3 players of the day are rewarded.
Thus, these programs incentivize the players and motivate them to keep playing every day, ultimately building more hype and community members.
The Mononoke INU side scroller game is going to be developed in Unity and have NFT elements. These NFT elements will be in the form of characters, power-ups, and equipment. Incentives are provided to users to collect NFTs and increase their chance of winning the daily competition.
Holders get rewarded for simply holding Mononoke INU. 1% is for distribution, 5% is for marketing, and 4% is for general development.
In the Mononoke INU burning mechanism, a specific supply is burned on milestones. 5% of the 1% redistribution tax gets burned with every transaction. Currently, 5% of the maximum supply is burned. Cryptocurrency burning is when a fraction of tokens are sent to a wallet with no private key. This means the tokens are lost forever. Tokens are usually burned to reduce availability and increase market value.
Mononoke INU token was launched in 2021. The Mononoke INU team advocates for the DeFI space with experience in marketing, development, and design. JoeGorilla is the lead dev and head of marketing, and Chad is the community manager. Monothrone is the design expert and game dev.
As per the road map, phase one was about developing smart contracts and community building. The focus was around a slow and steady growth, trusting on calls from Telegram and Twitter marketers. In phase two, the focus shifted to actively listening to the community and incentivizing them. In phase three, a custom-built game was launched, emphasizing marketing to spread the word about the token.
We update our Mononoke Inu to USD currency in real-time. Get the live price of Mononoke Inu on Coinbase.
The current market cap of Mononoke Inu is $0.00. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of Mononoke Inu is $0.0000000005. This all-time high is highest price paid for Mononoke Inu since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of Mononoke Inu is $1.48.
Assets that have a similar market cap to Mononoke Inu include Liquidus (old), Geist Finance, PolyBeta Finance, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of Mononoke Inu is 0.
Mononoke Inu Price History
Date | Price | Change |
Today (March 14, 2025) | $0.0000000000 | +0.87% |
24 hours ago (March 13, 2025) | $0.0000000000 | +0.87% |
1 week ago (March 7, 2025) | $0.0000000000 | -15.23% |
1 month ago (February 14, 2025) | $0.0000000000 | -29.19% |
1 year ago | $0.0000000000 | -82.07% |
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Mononoke Inu Calculator
How much is 1 Mononoke-Inu?
Conversion Table
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Canadian Dollar (CAD)
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to British Pound (GBP)
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Japanese Yen (JPY)
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Indian Rupee (INR)
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Real (BRL)
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Euro (EUR)
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Nigerian Naira (NGN)
NGN 0.0000000005
1 Mononoke Inu (Mononoke-Inu) to Singapore Dollar (SGD)
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