How to Buy OriginTrail
Good news! You can buy OriginTrail on Coinbase's centralized exchange. We've included detailed instructions to make it easier for you to buy OriginTrail.
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TRAC is an Ethereum token that powers OriginTrail, which describes itself as a “decentralized knowledge graph.” OriginTrail is used to discover, manage, and store data for everything from supply chain tracking to verifying art, diplomas, and business certifications. TRAC token is used to pay for data processing and storage on the network.
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Market Stats
Market Cap
No data
Circulating Supply
499,995,032.602 TRAC
Max Supply
No data
Total Supply
500,000,000 TRAC
Hold Time
No data
Volume (24H)
All time high
The price of OriginTrail has decreased by 2.24% in the last hour and decreased by 2.79% in the past 24 hours. OriginTrail’s price has also fallen by 5.19% in the past week. The current price is $0.36 per TRAC with a 24-hour trading volume of $7.28M. Currently, OriginTrail is valued at 94.31% below its all time high of $6.24. This all-time high was the highest price paid for OriginTrail since its launch.
The current circulating supply of OriginTrail is 499,995,032.602 TRAC which means that OriginTrail has as total market cap of $177,922,409.59.
Today | $0.36 | ↘ 3.16% |
1 Day | $0.37 | ↘ 2.79% |
1 Week | $0.37 | ↘ 5.19% |
1 Month | $0.45 | ↘ 21.80% |
1 Year | $1.26 | ↘ 71.80% |
Performance against other markets | ↘ 72.2% |
Performance against BTC | ↘ 74.26% |
Performance against ETH | ↘ 39.54% |
Performance in the past year | ↘ 71.8% |
OriginTrail (TRAC) is an open-source, permissionless web3 infrastructure project that combines knowledge graph and blockchain technologies to create a neutral, inclusive ecosystem. It features a multi-chain Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) that operates on three blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon, and Gnosis. The OriginTrail Parachain, a layer-one blockchain component designed to work with the Polkadot relay chain, extends the DKG's capabilities. The ecosystem strives to facilitate the adoption of web3 technologies, particularly in the supply chain sector. Its tokenomics design integrates both network layers and its Uniform Asset Locators (UALs) with the aim to improve asset discoverability.
OriginTrail works by combining blockchain technology with knowledge graph technology to create a Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG). This DKG enables trusted data exchange across different systems and organizations. It connects semantic data entities into a network that can be searched, verified, and enriched by various applications and users. The DKG also leverages distributed ledger technology (DLT) to ensure data integrity, provenance, and immutability. OriginTrail's protocol is blockchain-agnostic, meaning it can work with any blockchain platform that supports smart contracts. Users who want to publish or query data on the DKG need to pay TRAC to node runners who provide storage and computation resources.
OriginTrail has been applied to various use cases across different industries and domains. For instance, BSI and SCAN are utilizing the OriginTrail protocol to ensure the integrity of security audits for some of the largest US importers. The protocol helps verify the compliance of suppliers with labor standards and prevent fraud. The Food Safety Market is utilizing OriginTrail and Big Data with the aim to enhance the European food certification market. The protocol enables transparent and traceable data sharing among food producers, certifiers, retailers, and consumers. Furthermore, OriginTrail is working with Polkadot to create a parachain that will enable OriginTrail’s Decentralized Knowledge Graph to interoperate with other blockchains and applications on the Polkadot network.
OriginTrail was founded by Tomaž Levak (CEO), Žiga Drev (COO), and Branimir Rakić (CTO) as a traceability platform for food products. The founders realized there was a lack of trust and interoperability in the supply chain data, which led them to develop a decentralized solution based on blockchain technology. In 2017, they launched an initial coin offering (ICO), raising $22.5 million from participants. Since then, OriginTrail has also received public funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program for participating in several innovation experiments related to food safety, smart agriculture, and the circular economy.
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The current market cap of OriginTrail is $177.92M. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of OriginTrail is $6.24. This all-time high is highest price paid for OriginTrail since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of OriginTrail is $7.28M.
Assets that have a similar market cap to OriginTrail include Popcat (SOL), Dog (Bitcoin), Act I : The AI Prophecy, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of OriginTrail is 500 million.
OriginTrail ranks 116 among tradable assets on Coinbase. Popularity is currently based on relative market cap.
Currently, 96% of Coinbase users are buying OriginTrail. In other words, 96% of Coinbase customers have increased their net position in OriginTrail over the past 24 hours through trading.
Yes, OriginTrail is currently available on Coinbase’s centralized exchange. For more detailed instructions, check out our helpful how to buy OriginTrail guide.
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Terms apply. Sum of median estimated savings and rewards earned, per user in 2021 across multiple Coinbase programs (excluding sweepstakes). This amount includes fee waivers from Coinbase One (excluding the subscription cost), rewards from Coinbase Card, and staking rewards.
Popularity in posts
% About OriginTrail
Hold times
0 days
X (Twitter)
0% bullish
Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell a particular digital asset or to employ a particular investment strategy. Coinbase makes no representation on the accuracy, suitability, or validity of any information provided or for a particular asset.
1 unique individuals are talking about OriginTrail and it is ranked #5,451 in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, OriginTrail has an average sentiment score of 0 out of 5. Finally, OriginTrail is becoming more newsworthy, with 0 news articles published about OriginTrail. This is a 0% increase in news volume compared to yesterday.
On Twitter, people are mostly neutral about OriginTrail. There were 0% of tweets with bullish sentiment compared to 0% of tweets with a bearish sentiment about OriginTrail. 100% of tweets were neutral about OriginTrail. These sentiments are based on 1 tweets.
On Reddit, OriginTrail was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 comments about OriginTrail. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.
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