How to Buy PolySwarm
Good news! You can buy PolySwarm on Coinbase's centralized exchange. We've included detailed instructions to make it easier for you to buy PolySwarm.
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PolySwarm is on the decline this week. ↘
The price of PolySwarm has decreased by 2.15% in the last hour and increased by 9.55% in the past 24 hours. PolySwarm’s price has also fallen by 11.52% in the past week. The current price is $0.0224 per NCT with a 24-hour trading volume of $3.92M. Currently, PolySwarm is valued at 87.44% below its all time high of $0.18. This all-time high was the highest price paid for PolySwarm since its launch.
The current circulating supply of PolySwarm is 1,885,500,782 NCT which means that PolySwarm has as total market cap of $42,171,050.81.
Market cap
Not enough data
Max Supply
Hold time
Not enough data
Volume (24h)
↗ 451.91%
Volume (30D)
Volume (7D)
All time high
Performance (1Y)
↘ 46.47%
Vs. Market (1Y)
↘ 48.11%
Vs. BTC (1Y)
↘ 52.22%
Vs. ETH (1Y)
↗ 13.53%
NCT is an Ethereum token that powers PolySwarm, a community and network for detecting malware. NCT rewards are distributed to users who provide relevant cybersecurity data while NCT is used to access insights provided by the network.
PolySwarm launched on Coinbase on January 20, 1970 at 12:08 AM
PolySwarm (NCT) is a decentralized marketplace that aims to bring changes to the detection, analysis, and response to cybersecurity threats. It utilizes blockchain technology to create a crowdsourced threat intelligence network. The platform uses an Ethereum ERC20 token, Nectar (NCT), as a means of acknowledging users who contribute valuable cybersecurity data and to access insights provided by the network. PolySwarm aims to support the development of new threat detection methods, where various solutions compete to detect threats and are acknowledged based on their performance.
PolySwarm operates as a decentralized threat intelligence market, powered by Ethereum smart contracts and blockchain technology. It aims to foster rapid innovation in the cybersecurity space by acknowledging accurate and timely threat intelligence. The platform's "Proof of Work" is threat detection accuracy, meaning the market acknowledges those who are most capable of defending enterprises and end users. PolySwarm uses NCT tokens as a means of acknowledging users who provide relevant cybersecurity data and using NCT to access insights provided by the network. The platform's operations are managed and executed entirely by distributed smart contracts.
PolySwarm aims to provide a more effective way to detect, analyze, and respond to the latest cybersecurity threats. It can be used by enterprises, consumers, vendors, and security experts to access and contribute to a global pool of threat intelligence. The platform's unique system acknowledges users who provide accurate and timely threat intelligence, making it a valuable tool for cybersecurity professionals. Additionally, PolySwarm seeks to lower the barrier to entry, provide broader coverage options, discourage duplicative effort, and ensure interoperability among products and threat intelligence feeds.
PolySwarm was developed by PolySwarm Pte Ltd, a company that received funding through the acknowledgment of Nectar (NCT) utility tokens. The platform was designed to address the inefficiencies and limitations of existing cybersecurity solutions. The founders of PolySwarm, who are also members of Narf Industries, LLC, a boutique information security firm, saw the potential of blockchain technology to bring changes to the cybersecurity industry. They leveraged their expertise in InfoSec, blockchain, and cryptographic research to create a decentralized marketplace for threat intelligence. Today, PolySwarm continues to evolve with the aim of contributing to the cybersecurity landscape.
We update our PolySwarm to USD currency in real-time. Get the live price of PolySwarm on Coinbase.
The current market cap of PolySwarm is $42.17M. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of PolySwarm is $0.18. This all-time high is highest price paid for PolySwarm since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of PolySwarm is $3.92M.
Assets that have a similar market cap to PolySwarm include ANDY (ETH), Whiteheart, Solidus Ai Tech, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of PolySwarm is 1.9 billion.
PolySwarm ranks 111 among tradable assets on Coinbase. Popularity is currently based on relative market cap.
Currently, 97% of Coinbase users are buying PolySwarm. In other words, 97% of Coinbase customers have increased their net position in PolySwarm over the past 24 hours through trading.
Yes, PolySwarm is currently available on Coinbase’s centralized exchange. For more detailed instructions, check out our helpful how to buy PolySwarm guide.
Date | Price | Change |
Today (March 13, 2025) | $0.0224 | +9.55% |
24 hours ago (March 12, 2025) | $0.0204 | +9.55% |
1 week ago (March 6, 2025) | $0.0252 | -11.52% |
1 month ago (February 13, 2025) | $0.0272 | -17.79% |
1 year ago | $0.0417 | -46.47% |
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Sum of median estimated savings and rewards earned, per user in 2021 across multiple Coinbase programs (excluding sweepstakes). This amount includes fee waivers from Coinbase One (excluding the subscription cost), rewards from Coinbase Card, and staking rewards.
Conversion Table
158 unique individuals are talking about PolySwarm and it is ranked #683 in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, PolySwarm has an average sentiment score of 3.3 out of 5. Finally, PolySwarm is becoming more newsworthy, with 0 news articles published about PolySwarm. This is a 0% increase in news volume compared to yesterday.
On Twitter, people are mostly neutral about PolySwarm. There were 12.17% of tweets with bullish sentiment compared to 9.89% of tweets with a bearish sentiment about PolySwarm. 77.95% of tweets were neutral about PolySwarm. These sentiments are based on 263 tweets.
On Reddit, PolySwarm was mentioned in 45 Reddit posts and there were 122 comments about PolySwarm. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.
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158 people
492 posts
Volume rank
Average Sentiment
3.3 out of 5
Tweet Count
263 people
Post Score
Comment Score
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