About renBTC
Market Stats
Market Cap
Circulating Supply
329.896 RENBTC
Max Supply
13,698 RENBTC
Total Supply
329.896 RENBTC
Hold Time
No data
No data
Volume (24H)
All time high
Additional info about renBTC
Networks and details
The price of renBTC has decreased by 0.16% in the last hour and decreased by 2.75% in the past 24 hours. renBTC’s price has also fallen by 18.11% in the past week. The current price is $16,608.78 per RENBTC with a 24-hour trading volume of $21.32. Currently, renBTC is valued at 84.40% below its all time high of $106,477.04. This all-time high was the highest price paid for renBTC since its launch.
The current circulating supply of renBTC is 329.896 RENBTC which means that renBTC has as total market cap of $5,467,989.84.
Price history
Today | $16,608.78 | ↘ 2.75% |
1 Day | $17,069.40 | ↘ 2.75% |
1 Week | $20,322.10 | ↘ 18.11% |
1 Month | $21,534.80 | ↘ 22.92% |
1 Year | $73,307.29 | ↘ 77.36% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | ↘ 77.48% |
Performance against BTC | ↘ 79.25% |
Performance against ETH | ↘ 50.83% |
Performance in the past year | ↘ 77.36% |
renBTC (RENBTC) is a token developed by the Ren organization. The token is part of the Ren protocol project and the ERC-20 token. renBTC enables the decentralized representation of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The renBTC token aims to produce such a token whose value is tied to the value of Bitcoin.
The renBTC token is minted on the Ren platform. According to its whitepaper, Ren is a virtual machine protecting users' privacy while running zero-knowledge financial applications. Ren aims to be a driving force behind a new type of trustless distributed computation and also aims to protect the privacy of all users and data. Ren uses zkSNARK, which stands for "Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge." A zkSNARK is a cryptographic proof that permits a party to prove it has certain information without disclosing it. zkSNARK helps Ren build, deploy, and preserve the privacy of applications.
Ren is based on RenVM, a decentralized virtual machine that conducts private computations over a decentralized network and does not reveal the underlying information. RenVM is not an application but a network that permits developers to add functions of cross-chain to their DeFi applications. Also, RenVM brings interoperability to DeFi by allowing a permissionless exchange of values between blockchains. One can execute any program on RenVM, keeping its inputs, outputs, and state completely secretive.
Furthermore, RenVM is powered by Darknodes, a decentralized network of physical machines that provide their storage space and computer power in exchange for fees. All the programs executed on RenVM are hidden from the Darknodes that power the virtual machines. Darknodes is permissionless; however, a good behavior bond of one hundred thousand REN tokens is required to register and manage a Darknode to prevent the forging of many identities. REN is the platform's native token that is used as a bond to run a Darknode.
There are various Bitcoin backed tokens available. But unlike those tokens, the RENBTC token is not a synthetic token, collateral-backed token whose value varies based on the token’s reference index. RENBTC is independent of any liquidation mechanism. The token is a direct supply peg and there are always enough BTC available in order to cover the circulating supply of RENBTC tokens. Users can easily redeem their RENBTC tokens by sending them to RenVM. By doing so, native Bitcoin tokens are transferred to the users’ wallet address.
The Ren project was founded in 2017. The litepaper version v1.2 of Ren was released in Q1 2019. Loong Wang and Taiyang Zhang are the founders of the project.
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The current market cap of renBTC is $5.47M. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of renBTC is $106,477.04. This all-time high is highest price paid for renBTC since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of renBTC is $21.32.
Assets that have a similar market cap to renBTC include Lido Staked Matic, Stride Staked OSMO, Stride Staked ATOM, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of renBTC is 330.
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Social stats
Popularity in posts
% About renBTC
Hold times
0 days
X (Twitter)
82.35% bullish
4.1 ★
Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell a particular digital asset or to employ a particular investment strategy. Coinbase makes no representation on the accuracy, suitability, or validity of any information provided or for a particular asset.
27 unique individuals are talking about renBTC and it is ranked #3,267 in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, renBTC has an average sentiment score of 4.1 out of 5. Finally, renBTC is becoming more newsworthy, with 0 news articles published about renBTC. This is a 0% increase in news volume compared to yesterday.
On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about renBTC. There were 82.35% of tweets with bullish sentiment compared to 11.76% of tweets with a bearish sentiment about renBTC. 5.88% of tweets were neutral about renBTC. These sentiments are based on 17 tweets.
On Reddit, renBTC was mentioned in 9 Reddit posts and there were 25 comments about renBTC. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.
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renBTC calculator
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Canadian Dollar (CAD)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to British Pound (GBP)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Japanese Yen (JPY)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Indian Rupee (INR)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Real (BRL)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Euro (EUR)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Nigerian Naira (NGN)
NGN 25,797,702.13
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to South Korean Won (KRW)
1 renBTC (RENBTC) to Singapore Dollar (SGD)
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