XSGD (XSGD) is a cryptocurrency that is backed fully with the Singapore Dollar (SGD) developed by the StraitsX platform. XSGD is the digital Singapore Dollar running on the Ethereum and the Zilliqa blockchains. StraitsX is a pioneering payments infrastructure for the digital assets space in Southeast Asia developed by Xfers, a Singapore Fintech. StraitsX aims to establish itself as the platform for digital assets enabling access to digital growth opportunities for everyone. The platform envisions enabling and accelerating digital assets access for individuals and businesses in Asia and all over the world.
As per its website, the StraitsX ecosystem allows swift and safe access to digital assets markets and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications through the StraitsX APIs and stablecoins for both users and businesses. Application Programming Interface, or API for short, is an interface that allows two unrelated systems to interact with each other.
The key features of XSGD are: