Vendor Onboarding

Vendor Risk
All Coinbase vendors must go through a comprehensive risk assessment process. The Vendor Risk Management program is designed to ensure all applicable vendor risks are identified, monitored and, where appropriate, remediated in a timely manner. The program covers multiple risk domains including general organization, information security, data privacy, legal, reputational and operational risk. For vendors identified as high risk to Coinbase, thorough due diligence assessments are conducted routinely.
Vendor Contracts
If your services have been requested from the Coinbase business, a member of Coinbase’s Strategic Sourcing team will reach out to you to start the contracting process. Depending on the type of services, we will send the relevant agreement documents (MSA, SOW, order form, service order, addendums, etc.) to Coinbase. We request that all documents must be in editable Microsoft Word format to allow our sourcing & legal teams to propose modifications if necessary. Your Sourcing contact will be your primary point of contact throughout the contracting process.
All contracts MUST be reviewed by Sourcing/Legal, granted approval and a Legal stamp before execution. The Coinbase team will be responsible for routing the contracts to the appropriate
All contracts require Strategic Sourcing/Legal review, approval and Legal stamps.
The Sourcing and Procurement team will route the contracts for execution via DocuSign following the Coinbase Signatory Policy.
Vendor Registration
Approved Vendors will receive an invitation to register through Coinbase’s Vendor Portal (hosted securely by Zip).
What to Expect:
Vendor Registration will require the company representative to complete the following tasks:
Complete Vendor Form
Complete Business Form
Complete Tax Form and/or upload a valid W9/W8 if working with a Coinbase entity
Complete Payment/ Banking information

Additional Vendor Resources:
Want to have visibility to your POs and Submit invoices against them? Learn more about the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) for Coinbase Vendors