About Historia
Market Stats
Market Cap
No data
Circulating Supply
No data
Max Supply
15,678,533 HTA
Total Supply
2,853,894 HTA
Hold Time
No data
No data
No data
Volume (24H)
No data
All time high
Additional info about Historia
Networks and details
The price of Historia has increased by 0.00% in the last hour and increased by 0.90% in the past 24 hours. Historia’s price has also fallen by 49.10% in the past week. The current price is $0.0012 per HTA with a 24-hour trading volume of $0.00. Currently, Historia is valued at 98.23% below its all time high of $0.0686. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Historia since its launch.
The current circulating supply of Historia is 0 HTA which means that Historia has as total market cap of $0.00.
Price history
Today | $0.0012 | ↗ 0.90% |
1 Day | $0.0012 | ↗ 0.90% |
1 Week | $0.0024 | ↘ 49.10% |
1 Month | $0.0084 | ↘ 85.53% |
1 Year | $0.0147 | ↘ 91.75% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | ↘ 91.76% |
Performance against BTC | ↘ 93.01% |
Performance against ETH | ↘ 83.67% |
Performance in the past year | ↘ 91.75% |
Historia aims to be a blockchain-based database developed to preserve the original account of history. The platform aims to incentivize contributors who deliver accurate historical events. These entries are then reviewed by a diverse pool of voters. The Historia ecosystem simply envisions decentralizing the recording of history. The platform also drives a feature within the ecosystem to fight censorship over historical facts.
According to the website, Historia utilizes blockchain technology and decentralization to develop a system for record keeping of current (future history) and historical events with utmost accuracy. The network operates individual computers to store the approved records. The records are approved with the help of a voting mechanism. Once approved, the platform maintains these records in their original form.
These last few years have been very critical for the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic and many other historical events. As the platform website states, the main goal that Historia wants to achieve is to integrate utmost truth in world history and journalism. The platform ensures the accuracy of historical facts while protecting them from perversion. To do this, Historia has employed a governance and voting system along with an immutable file storage system. The passed proposals become a part of permanent storage, and the platform incentivizes users who have delivered those facts.
The platform uses the Interplanetary File Storage (IPFS) system, a hash addressable peer-to-peer content storage method. IPFS makes sure that the platform has a storage mechanism to build on and a secure and efficient method to confirm that all the hosted content is immutable.
The Historia ecosystem provides its users with the following services:
i) Wallets: The platform supports all major web and mobile wallets,
ii) Web application: To make the voting system easier and quicker,
iii) Community ecosystem: The platform wants to develop a diverse and healthy community; hence, individuals from around the world are welcome to join.
The Historia Airdrop event includes users who have registered to this airdrop. The users automatically gain voting rights without purchasing HTA (the native token of Historia).
The foundation of Historia was laid by a group of security and technology experts. Historia released its updated whitepaper in March 2020. The platform token has a maximum supply of 15,678,533 HTAs.
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The current market cap of Historia is $0.00. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of Historia is $0.0686. This all-time high is highest price paid for Historia since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of Historia is $0.00.
Assets that have a similar market cap to Historia include Chainpay, Scopuly, Zent Cash, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of Historia is 0.
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