About Multiverse
Market Stats
Market Cap
No data
Circulating Supply
No data
Max Supply
20,000,000,000 MVS
Total Supply
20,000,000,000 MVS
Hold Time
No data
No data
No data
Volume (24H)
All time high
Additional info about Multiverse
Networks and details
The price of Multiverse has increased by 0.06% in the last hour and increased by 0.35% in the past 24 hours. Multiverse’s price has also risen by 0.05% in the past week. The current price is $0.000031 per MVS with a 24-hour trading volume of $6.68. Currently, Multiverse is valued at 99.63% below its all time high of $0.0083. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Multiverse since its launch.
The current circulating supply of Multiverse is 0 MVS which means that Multiverse has as total market cap of $0.00.
Price history
Today | $0.000031 | ↗ 0.35% |
1 Day | $0.000031 | ↗ 0.35% |
1 Week | $0.000031 | ↗ 0.05% |
1 Month | $0.000032 | ↘ 2.94% |
1 Year | $0.000046 | ↘ 31.99% |
Market details
Performance against other markets | ↘ 33.58% |
Performance against BTC | ↘ 43.85% |
Performance against ETH | ↗ 32.37% |
Performance in the past year | ↘ 31.99% |
Multiverse is an open multichain metaverse, governed and owned by the common people. Metaverse is a digital reality, holding aspects of cryptocurrencies to permit users for virtual interaction. According to the whitepaper, the platform is a decentralized ecosystem for building and deploying planet projects. However, many people have great ideas on how artificial intelligence can help their communities but are limited due to a lack of coding skills. Therefore, Multiverse aims to help people start projects without writing code or raising significant capital. The platform seeks to have a high-throughput blockchain and a cryptographically secure and verifiable ledger.
The platform has a Multiverse AI token, an ERC-20 token. When the users transfer the ERC-20 AI token in the Multiverse, it autonomously converts into Multiverse blockchain's native AI coin. Also, the users can transfer AI tokens into the Multiverse by using the MetaMask wallet browser extension.
Furthermore, the platform has planets that are DApp projects built by community members of Multiverse. Each planet has its product, decentralized exchange (DEX), planetary tokens, tokenomics, and governance model. Each planet's decentralized exchange seeks to permit the user to stake the Multiverse coin for a corresponding amount of planetary token. Also, the rules are initially determined by planet founders coded into smart contracts. A smart contract is a self-regulated contract with the term of the agreement between traders directly written into lines of code.
Multiverse Coin is a nonrefundable utility token used to exchange between participants on a Multiverse in a decentralized manner. The platform's ecosystem and blockchain seek to ensure that the rules, economics, and worker's rights on each planet are fully transparent to participants. Further, the founders in the Multiverse are independent teams forming new planet projects and assembling a team from talent within and outside the Multiverse.
Moreover, the citizens of the platform form the network of users and devices providing the system's intelligence. Citizens of Multiverse mine data and provide human knowledge to create machine learning systems. Citizens can vote on governance issues for planets where they hold citizenship. However, Multiverse has UniverSwap, allowing Multiverse Coin holders to swap their tokens into locked planetary tokens. Swapping permits users to exchange one cryptocurrency with another without affecting the user's blockchain wallet.
Additionally, Multiverse Coin aims to provide a secure and convenient mode of payment. Besides, Multiverse Coin utilizes Multiverse light bridges to connect to the Multiverse ERC-20 token AI for compatibility wallets and exchanges.
History of Multiverse (AI)
Heathclif Szu is the cofounder of Multiverse. D.M Tong is the CTO of the platform.
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The current market cap of Multiverse is $0.00. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of Multiverse is $0.0083. This all-time high is highest price paid for Multiverse since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of Multiverse is $6.68.
Assets that have a similar market cap to Multiverse include Tethys, KlayFi Finance, Capybara, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of Multiverse is 0.
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